How to avoid nicotinic acid allergy: tips and advice

nicotinic acid allergy
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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What is nicotinic acid?

Nicotinic acid, also known as vitamin B3 or niacin, is an organic compound necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It plays a key role in metabolic processes, regulates energy metabolism and participates in the synthesis of many important molecules.

Properties of nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid has a number of beneficial properties: it improves blood circulation, normalizes cholesterol levels, stimulates brain function and strengthens the immune system. It also promotes cell growth and repair, especially skin, hair and nails.

Where is nicotinic acid used?

Nicotinic acid is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. In medicine, it is used to treat various diseases such as atherosclerosis, pellagra, migraine and diabetes. In cosmetology, nicotinic acid is included in skin, hair, and nail care products.

What is a nicotinic acid allergy?

causes of nicotinic acid allergy

Nicotinic acid allergy is a rare but possible occurrence when the body's immune system reacts incorrectly to vitamin B3, considering it a harmful substance.

Causes of nicotinic acid allergy

Causes of allergies to nicotinic acid can vary. In most cases, it occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to allergic reactions. Also allergies can develop because of an overdose of nicotinic acid, improper taking of drugs or individual intolerance.

Nicotinic acid allergy symptoms

Symptoms of nicotinic acid allergy can vary. Often the manifestations include skin reactions such as hives, itching, redness, and swelling. In rarer cases, an allergic reaction may cause digestive disorders, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. In extreme cases, anaphylactic shock is possible and requires immediate medical attention.

How are nicotinic acid allergies diagnosed?

To diagnose nicotinic acid allergy, a specialist may prescribe skin tests, a blood test for general analysis and an immunoglobulin E test. In some cases it may be necessary to perform provocation tests under the supervision of a doctor.

Nicotinic acid allergy treatment

treatment of nicotinic acid allergy

Treatment of nicotinic acid allergy includes avoidance of contact with the allergen and use of medications.

Foods containing high concentrations of nicotinic acid, such as liver, fish, meat, dairy products, nuts, and cereals should be avoided. You should also pay attention to the composition of cosmetics and medicines.

Medication for nicotinic acid allergy

Medical treatment of nicotinic acid allergy may include antihistamines (e.g. Cetirizine, Loratadine), glucocorticosteroids (such as Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) and symptomatic treatment to alleviate individual symptoms (e.g. itching creams and ointments and digestive agents).

In case of anaphylactic shock, epinephrine (adrenaline) should be administered immediately and medical attention should be sought.

How to avoid contact with nicotinic acid

skin care for nicotinic acid allergy

If you are allergic to nicotinic acid, carefully read the contents of cosmetic products and choose products that do not contain vitamin B3. Use hypoallergenic products and consult a dermatologist if possible.

Skin care tips for nicotinic acid allergy

If you have a nicotinic acid allergy, it is important to take proper care of your skin:

1. use hypoallergenic beauty products.
2. Try to avoid products high in nicotinic acid.
3. Moisturize your skin with special creams and masks that do not contain vitamin B3.
4. Protect your skin from the sun's rays with sunscreen.
5. If allergy symptoms occur, consult your doctor for treatment.

In conclusion, nicotinic acid allergy is a rare occurrence, but if you have it, you should strictly monitor your diet and use hypoallergenic cosmetic products. If symptoms of allergy occur, you should consult an allergist for appropriate treatment and recommendations on skin care. Be careful about the composition of the products you use and monitor your health. Remember, only a doctor can accurately determine if you are allergic to nicotinic acid and prescribe an effective treatment.

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