Allergic reaction to Nurofen: what you need to know

nurofen allergy
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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What is a nurofen allergy?

Nurofen allergy is an unwanted reaction of the immune system to the active or excipient components of this medicine used in medicine to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Cases of allergy to nurofen can occur in both adults and children, including allergy to nurofen syrup for children.

Nurofen allergy symptoms

Symptoms of nurofen allergy can range from mild to severe. They can include skin reactions such as redness, itching, swelling, and hives, as well as more serious manifestations such as difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, and anaphylactic shock.

Causes of allergic reactions to nurofen

causes of nurofen allergy

Allergic reactions to nurofen occur when the immune system mistakenly perceives its components as a threat and begins to actively fight them. The risk of developing allergies may be increased in people with the presence of other allergic diseases.

Diagnosis of nurofen allergy

Diagnosis of nurofen allergy includes taking a history, clinical examination, and allergy tests.

Allergy to nurofen may be related to allergy to other drugs of the NSAID group. Moreover, patients with nurofen allergy may have increased reactions to other allergens.

Treatment of nurofen allergy

Nurofen allergy treatment

The treatment for nurofen allergy is primarily to stop taking the drug. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, antihistamines such as cetirizine, loratadine, or desloratadine may be needed.

Alternative medications for pain and inflammation

If you are allergic to nurofen, your doctor may suggest alternative medicines for pain and inflammation, such as paracetamol or sodium methamisol-based medicines (Analgin, Baralgin).

Nurofen allergy prevention

Preventing nurofen allergy includes avoiding the drug in people with known sensitivities to it. It is important to inform all doctors about your allergy to nurofen to avoid prescribing it.

In conclusion, we would like to point out that nurofen allergy, although not very common, is a serious condition that requires attention and the right approach. If you or your child experience allergy symptoms after taking nurofen, see a doctor immediately.

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