Mosquito allergy: prevention and treatment

mosquito allergy
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content

What is mosquito allergy?

Mosquito allergy is an allergic reaction of the body to mosquito bites, which manifests itself in various symptoms. It can be caused not only by the mosquito bite itself but also by substances that mosquitoes inject into a person's skin during the bite.

Causes of mosquito allergy

The main cause of allergy to mosquito bites is an increased sensitivity of the body to specific substances contained in mosquito saliva. In some people, including children, the immune system reacts to these substances as harmful, causing an allergic reaction.

Types of allergic reactions to mosquito bites

Allergic reactions to mosquito bites can vary from mild to severe. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the following types of allergy to mosquito bites can be distinguished:

  • Localized reaction – manifests as redness, itching, and swelling at the site of the bite.
  • Systemic reaction – characterized by general symptoms such as itching, hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, and even anaphylactic shock.

Mosquito allergy symptoms

mosquito allergy symptoms

  • Localized symptoms of mosquito bite allergy appear as red spots and skin reddening, itching, and swelling at the site of the bite. In children, mosquito allergy may be more pronounced than in adults.
  • General symptoms of mosquito bite allergy can include hives, swelling, runny nose, itching, cough, and even difficulty breathing. In children, such manifestations may be more pronounced, requiring medical attention.

Mosquito allergy complications

In some cases, mosquito bite allergy can lead to serious complications such as anaphylactic shock or angioedema. This requires immediate medical attention and emergency treatment.

Diagnosing mosquito allergy

1. To diagnose mosquito allergy, a doctor will first take a medical history and perform a physical examination of the patient. It is important to inform the doctor about all contacts with mosquitoes and the nature of the symptoms.

2. If a mosquito bite allergy is suspected, allergy tests may be prescribed, such as skin tests or blood tests for the presence of specific antibodies.

3. The doctor will also perform a differential diagnosis to rule out other diseases with similar symptoms to mosquito allergy, such as urticaria, dermatitis, or infectious diseases.

Mosquito allergy treatment

mosquito allergy treatment

The mainstay of mosquito bite allergy treatment is antihistamines (Cetrin, Loratadine, Fexofenadine), which help relieve itching, redness, and swelling. They can be prescribed in the form of tablets, syrups, or ointments.

Topical remedies for symptom relief

To relieve local symptoms of mosquito bite allergy, topical remedies such as creams, gels (Fenistil gel), or sprays with anti-inflammatory and itch-relieving effects can be used.

Hormonal ointments and creams

In cases of severe mosquito allergy manifestations, a doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments or creams (Hydrocortisone ointment, Elocom) to quickly alleviate symptoms and reduce inflammation.

If the symptoms of mosquito bite allergy worsen, do not subside within a few days, or are accompanied by general malaise, difficulty breathing, high fever, or severe hives, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Mosquito allergy prevention

mosquito allergy prevention

To prevent mosquito allergies, choose closed, light-colored clothing that covers most of the body and makes it difficult for mosquitoes to access the skin.

Repellents and mosquito control products

Using repellents and mosquito control products helps repel mosquitoes and reduces the risk of bites. Choose products with proven effectiveness and safety for children and adults.

Mosquito nets and electronic devices

Installing mosquito nets on windows and doors, as well as using electronic devices to repel mosquitoes, will help reduce the risk of mosquito bite allergies.

Mosquito allergies are a common problem, especially among children. It is important to know what an allergic mosquito bite looks like and how it manifests, as well as how to treat mosquito allergies. Timely treatment and adherence to preventive measures will help avoid serious complications and improve quality of life. If you suspect a mosquito bite allergy, be sure to consult an allergist.

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