Synthetic allergies: causes and symptoms

synthetic allergy
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Synthetic allergies are a fairly common problem faced by many people. It is important to understand why an allergy to synthetic substances occurs and what symptoms may indicate its presence.

Why are you allergic to synthetics?

Allergy to synthetics can occur for a variety of reasons. First of all, the human body may have a genetic predisposition to develop allergic reactions to certain chemical compounds. In addition, constant contact with synthetic materials can provoke skin sensitivity and the development of allergies.

What are the symptoms indicative of a possible allergy to synthetic substances?

Symptoms of allergy to synthetics can manifest themselves in different ways. Often it is expressed in skin reactions such as itching, redness, rashes, swelling and dry skin. In some cases, synthetic allergies can also cause more serious complications, such as hives or asthma.

Main types of synthetic substances that cause allergies

types of synthetic substances

There are many synthetic materials that can cause allergic reactions.

  • Polyester and acrylic are often used in the production of clothing, and their effect on the skin can cause allergic reactions. Such materials do not allow air to pass through and retain moisture, which promotes bacterial growth and skin irritation.
  • Chemical additives such as dyes, color fixers and fragrances can also provoke allergic reactions. They can cause skin irritation, itching and redness, and in more serious cases, eczema or contact dermatitis.

How to avoid allergies to synthetics?

To minimize the risk of developing an allergy to synthetics, you should take some precautions.

  • When choosing clothes, natural materials such as cotton, linen and wool should be preferred. They have better breathability and promote the natural exchange of moisture between the skin and the environment. You should also avoid bright colors and prints, as they may contain aggressive dyes.
  • Proper washing and care of your clothes also plays an important role in preventing allergies to synthetics. Hypoallergenic detergents without fragrances and bleaches should be used. It is also recommended to rinse clothes thoroughly after washing to get rid of detergent residues.

Treatment of allergies to synthetic substances

Synthetic allergy treatment

If an allergy to synthetics does occur, an allergist should be consulted to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Antihistamines such as Cetirizine, Loratadine, or Desloratadine may be used to treat synthetic allergies. In some cases, corticosteroid ointments may be prescribed to relieve inflammation and itching. If the allergy manifests as urticaria or asthma, the doctor may prescribe anti-asthmatic medications or drugs to relieve bronchial spasm.

Recommendations for pregnant women and young children: how to avoid allergies to synthetics?

For pregnant women and young children, it is particularly important to avoid contact with harsh chemicals and synthetic materials. It is recommended to buy clothes made of natural fabrics, and to use hypoallergenic detergents. If symptoms of allergies occur, you should consult an allergologist, who will choose a safe treatment for this group of patients.

Synthetic allergies are common and can cause discomfort and adversely affect health. To prevent allergic reactions to synthetic substances, you should choose clothing made from natural materials, take good care of it and avoid contact with harsh chemicals. If allergies do occur, you should contact a specialist to prescribe adequate treatment and follow recommendations for prevention.

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