Allergist: who is he and how does he help?

Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Choosing an allergy doctor

Determining what allergy doctor is called and where to go is an important step in treating and preventing allergic reactions. In this article, an experienced allergist will tell you about the specialists who treat allergies in adults and children and how to choose a good doctor and make an appointment.

Which doctor specializes in treating allergies?

If you need to know which doctor treats allergies, you should look at the following specialties:


An allergist-immunologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents allergic diseases. This specialist identifies and tests adult patients for allergies and prescribes appropriate therapy.

Pediatric allergist (for children)

pediatric allergist

A pediatric allergist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats allergic diseases in children. This specialist identifies and tests for allergies in children and selects individual therapy for young patients.

How do I choose a good specialist?

The following aspects are worth considering when choosing an allergy doctor:

  • Ask your acquaintances and friends, perhaps some of them have already seen a good specialist and can share their experiences.
  • Patient reviews of the doctor can help you understand how experienced and professional the specialist is. Read reviews on specialized websites and forums.
  • Look for information about the doctor's education, experience The more experience and additional qualifications the doctor has, the more likely it is that he or she will succeed in treating your allergies. The more experience and knowledge the specialist has, the more likely you are to successfully treat your allergies.

How do I make an appointment to see an allergy doctor?

How to make an appointment with an allergist

There are several ways to make an appointment with an allergy doctor:

Make an appointment online

Many medical facilities offer the ability to make an appointment through their official website or mobile app. Fill in the necessary information, and the system will find the right specialist and appointment time for you.

Making an appointment by phone

Call the receptionist at the medical facility where the allergy doctor works and ask for an available appointment time. The operator will help you choose a convenient time and date.

Through the reception desk at the healthcare facility

You can also make an appointment in person by contacting the registration office of the medical institution. They will help you choose a suitable specialist and a convenient appointment time.

In the treatment of allergies, the doctor may prescribe various medications, such as antihistamines (loratadine, cetirizine), hormonal ointments (hydrocortisone, flucinar) or drugs that stabilize the cell membrane (ketotifen, montelukast). In addition to medication, a specialist may recommend immunotherapy to eliminate the cause of the allergic reaction.

Choosing a good allergy doctor plays a significant role in the successful treatment and prevention of allergies. Contact qualified specialists - allergists-immunologists for adults and pediatric allergists for children. Take into account your friends' recommendations, patient reviews, and your doctor's experience when choosing a specialist. Make an appointment online, by phone, or at the reception desk at a medical facility, and follow the doctor's recommendations for treating your allergies. In addition to drug treatment, don't forget about the importance of immunotherapy and preventive measures. Only a comprehensive approach to the treatment of allergies will achieve a stable remission and improve the patient's quality of life.

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