Allergies and psychosomatics: what connections and how they affect health

Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
Article Content


Nowadays, allergies are becoming an increasingly common problem that affects many people. However, in addition to the usual physiological causes, there is also a connection between allergies and psychosomatics. In this article, an experienced allergist will talk about allergies psychosomatic causes, peculiarities of the manifestation of this disease in adults and women, as well as psychosomatic methods of treatment and prevention.

Understanding Psychosomatics

Psychosomatics studies the influence of mental factors on the development and course of various diseases. Thus, psychosomatics of allergies suggests that psychoemotional causes may contribute to the onset and intensification of allergic reactions.

How psychosomatics affects the development of allergies

Stress and negative emotions can cause the immune system to malfunction, which in turn can lead to an increase in allergic reactions or even their occurrence. Thus, adults and women who are exposed to stress and worry increase the risk of developing allergies.

Allergy symptoms with a psychosomatic component

psychosomatic allergy symptoms

Allergies can manifest with a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Allergic rashes, urticaria, itching and swelling.
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath and bronchial asthma.
  • Conjunctivitis, lacrimation, pruritus. Ooh, and nausea and stuffy ears.

In addition to the classic symptoms of allergies, patients with a psychosomatic component may have the following manifestations:

  • Constant feeling of fatigue, even after a long rest.
  • Difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening or shallow sleep.
  • Irritability, anxiety and panic attacks.

Causes of psychosomatic allergies

  1. Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to a disruption of the immune system and the development of allergies.
  2. Psychological trauma and long-term negative experiences can be contributing factors to allergic reactions.
  3. Living in a city with high levels of noise and air pollution can increase the risk of psychosomatic allergies in adults.
  4. Exposure to various chemicals, including allergens, can also contribute to allergic diseases.

Allergy treatment with a psychosomatic approach

allergy treatment with a psychosomatic approach

Traditional allergy treatment

The use of antihistamines, such as loratadine, cetirizine, or fexofenadine, helps reduce allergy symptoms.

Compliance with measures to avoid contact with allergens such as pollen, dust and pets helps to reduce allergic reactions.

Psychotherapy and psychosomatic methods

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-This approach focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors, which can help reduce stress and improve allergy psychosomatic conditions.

Creative therapies such as art therapy, music therapy or dance and movement therapy can help relieve stress and manage emotions.

Using relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises can help reduce stress and improve well-being.

Tips for preventing psychosomatic allergies

psychosomatic allergy prevention

To prevent the development of psychosomatic allergies, the following steps can be taken:

  • Learning stress reduction and relaxation techniques.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
  • Working on your emotions, resolving conflicts and learning stress management skills.
  • Avoiding contact with allergens and environmental stressors when possible.
  • Regular consultations with an allergist and psychotherapist to identify and correct problems in a timely manner.

In conclusion, allergy psychosomatics is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon in which psycho-emotional factors play an important role. Given this, it is important to pay attention not only to the traditional treatment of allergies, but also to psychotherapeutic methods in order to achieve maximum results in the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases. The relationship between psychosomatics of allergy and emotional state of a person requires a comprehensive approach and individual selection of methods of treatment and support for patients.

So, in order to successfully treat psychosomatic allergies, the causes and manifestations must be taken into account in a complex. By contacting a doctor allergist and psychotherapist, you can develop an individual treatment plan, including medication, psychotherapeutic methods and compliance with preventive measures. As a result of this approach, patients with psychosomatic allergies can significantly improve the quality of their lives and get rid of the excruciating symptoms of allergies.


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