How to distinguish between sweats and allergies: symptoms and treatment

baby sweat
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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Determining the difference between sweats and allergies is important for everyone, especially parents of young children. Sweating and allergies may have similar manifestations, but their treatment and causes are different. In this article, we will look in detail at the main differences between these conditions, as well as recommendations for treatment and prevention.

Basic differences between sweats and allergies

The rash in sweats is usually small blisters or redness on the skin, which may coalesce. In allergies, the rash can range from redness and rashes to blisters and crusts.

Localization of the rash: where sweats and allergies usually appear

Sweating rash most commonly occurs in areas of increased sweating: the neck, under the arms, in the groin area and under the knees. The allergic rash can appear on any part of the body, but most commonly on the face, hands and feet.

Sweating rash is usually not accompanied by itching and pain, unlike allergies. Allergic rashes can cause severe itching, swelling, and discomfort.

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causes of sweating

Perspiration is an inflammatory skin condition caused by excessive sweating and insufficient perspiration evaporation. Risk factors include hot weather, wearing tight or synthetic clothing, and certain conditions that cause excessive sweating (such as hyperhidrosis).

Sweating in adults: peculiarities of manifestation

In adults, sweating may occur with intense physical activity, in conditions of high temperature and humidity, as well as by wearing uncomfortable clothes. It is important to recognize the sweat in a timely manner and take measures to treat it.

Sweating in children: age features and recommendations

In infants, newborns and young children, sweating may occur more often due to immaturity of the sweat glands and improper skin care. It is important to ensure comfortable conditions, dress your baby for the weather and use natural materials for clothing and bedding.

How to treat sweat: home remedies and medical care

sweating treatment

In most cases, sweating can be treated at home by observing hygienic measures and ensuring free air circulation. Cool water treatments, gauze compresses with a solution of calendula or chamomile, as well as zinc powders to relieve irritation are recommended.

If the sweating is severe or if there are complications such as an infection, you should see your doctor. Medical care may include prescription of antibiotics, antihistamines (e.g., suprastin, tavegil), or hormonal ointments (e.g., hydrocortisone).

Preventing sweats: useful tips

To prevent sweating, it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wear clothing made of natural materials, control the temperature and humidity in the room, and avoid overheating and prolonged stressful situations.

Closure: how to avoid mistakes in identifying the problem

So, in order to determine what is behind the rash - sweating or allergies, you need to consider the nature and localization of the rash, as well as the accompanying symptoms. Infants, newborns and children often have sweats, which can be prevented and treated by following the rules of hygiene and creating a comfortable environment for the skin.

If allergies are suspected, it is important to see an allergist, who will help determine the cause of the reaction and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In the case of allergies, antihistamines, hormonal ointments or even immunotherapy may be prescribed, depending on the severity of the manifestations.

We hope these tips will help you determine whether you're dealing with sweating or allergies and take the right steps to improve your skin's condition. Your skin health and comfort depend on your attention and care, so remember to keep an eye on your condition and seek professional advice when needed.

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