Body cleansing and allergies: what you need to know

body cleansing
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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Allergy cleansing: what it is and how it works

Allergies are a widespread disease which causes many unpleasant symptoms. One of the ways to fight it is to cleanse the body. In this article, an experienced allergologist will talk about how to detoxify your body, what foods help, and medical methods of detoxification for allergies.

How allergy allergy allergy cleansing works

Allergy detoxification aims at removing allergens and toxic substances that can cause a reaction. The cleansing process involves cleansing the blood, liver, intestines and other organs responsible for the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Natural ways to cleanse the body

natural ways to cleanse the body

Natural ways of cleansing the body include a diet enriched with foods that promote cleansing, as well as the use of herbs and preparations to speed up the process. Regular consumption of water and probiotics also helps to cleanse the intestines and improve digestion.

Medical methods of cleansing the body

For severe forms of allergies, medical methods may include the use of sorbents, hepatoprotectors and vitamin complexes. Doctors may also recommend hemosorption or plasmapheresis to clean the blood and eliminate allergens.

Foods that help in cleaning the body from allergens

Vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamins, such as berries, citrus fruits, broccoli and spinach, help strengthen the immune system and improve the organs responsible for cleaning the body. Vitamin C, for example, enhances the effects of antihistamines, easing allergy symptoms.

Herbs and medicines that help to cleanse the body

cleansing herbs

There are many herbs and preparations that help cleanse the body of allergens. Some of them are milk thistle, artichoke and succession. These herbs stimulate the removal of toxins and improve liver and intestinal function. Sorbents such as activated charcoal, Polysorb, and Enterosgel can be used as allergy medications. These drugs bind and remove allergens from the body, reducing the burden on the liver and intestines.

A liver cleanse for allergies may include taking hepatoprotectors such as Essenciale, Heparin, or Cholosas, which improve liver function and help to quickly eliminate toxins. What to cleanse the liver in adults also depends on individual characteristics and doctor's recommendations.

Colon cleansing is also an important step in the fight against allergies. To do this, you can use drugs that help normalize the bowel, such as Lactulose, Hilac Forte or Bifidumbacterin.

An allergy cleanse is a comprehensive measure to improve the functioning of the immune system and filter organs, such as the liver and intestines. Including antioxidants, vitamins, herbs and medications in the treatment regimen will help reduce the burden on the body and eliminate allergies. However, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor before beginning any body cleansing measures. He will help you choose an individual treatment plan based on your condition, age, the presence of related diseases and other factors.

Proper diet, healthy lifestyle and regular body cleansing procedures will help you to cope with your allergies and improve your quality of life. Stay healthy!

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