Treating urticaria: the most effective medicines and methods

urticaria treatment
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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How to treat hives?

Urticaria is the common name for a group of allergic diseases characterized by rashes on the skin accompanied by itching. This is a common problem faced by many adults and children. But how to treat urticaria, in order to quickly and permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

General principles of treating urticaria

The treatment of urticaria must be comprehensive, and includes the following components:

Diet is an important component of successful urticaria treatment. Eliminate from your diet foods that can cause allergies: citrus, chocolate, honey, berries, red and orange fruits and vegetables. It is also worth limiting consumption of sweets, coffee and alcohol.

If the diet does not give the proper effect, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy. The main groups of drugs used to treat urticaria are antihistamines (for example, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Tavegil), glucocorticoids (such as Prednisolone) and sedatives (such as Novopassit).

Some people prefer to use folk methods of treatment, such as wraps and herbal compresses. However, be sure to consult a doctor before using these methods.

Treatment of urticaria at home

vitamin complexes for urticaria

If you are experiencing mild symptoms of urticaria, you can try some measures at home.

Itching is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of urticaria. Relieve it with cold compresses, baths with decoction of succession or chamomile. Ointments and gels with antihistamine components will also help reduce itching and relieve inflammation.

With hives, it is useful to drink plenty of fluids to help the body eliminate allergens quickly. In addition, you can use vitamin complexes, especially B vitamins, as well as probiotics to normalize the intestines.

Professional treatment of urticaria

If the urticaria does not go away within a few days or if the symptoms get worse, you need to see a doctor.

If you have laryngeal swelling, difficulty breathing, and severe weakness, a medical emergency is necessary. These may be symptoms of anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate medical attention.

What doctors treat urticaria?

  • A dermatologist specializes in treating skin conditions, including urticaria.
  • An allergist can help determine the cause of the allergy and choose an effective treatment.

Medical therapies and procedures

urticaria medications

The doctor may prescribe antihistamines (Erius, Xizal), glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone), and medications to improve the immune system.

Physical therapy can also be useful in treating urticaria. In particular, UVO (ultraviolet irradiation) treatments are considered effective in reducing inflammation and itching.

Preventing Urticaria

To prevent urticaria, especially if you've already had allergic reactions, it's a good idea to avoid contact with known allergens. It is also useful to keep the immune system in good shape, including more fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as regularly ventilate the room and keep the house clean.

In conclusion, we would like to point out that urticaria is an unpleasant, but in most cases successfully treatable disease. The main thing is not to engage in self-treatment and promptly contact your doctor, who will choose a treatment based on your individual characteristics. Remember that your health is in your hands and only you can help yourself quickly and reliably to get rid of urticaria.


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