Metal allergies: causes, symptoms and treatments

metal allergy
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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What is a metal allergy

A metal allergy is the body's immune response to contact with certain types of metals. Among the most common metals that cause allergies are copper, steel, aluminum, surgical steel, and others. Allergic reactions can occur when the skin touches objects containing these metals, as well as when medical instruments made of these materials are used.

Metals that cause allergic reactions

The most common metals that cause allergies are:

  • Nickel: often found in jewelry, clothing clasps, and coins;
  • Cobalt: present in some alloys used in jewelry, dentures;
  • Chromium: found in a variety of everyday products, including cosmetics and textiles;
  • Copper: found in a variety of products, coins, and wiring.

How to recognize a metal allergy

Metal allergies manifest as skin symptoms, which may be similar to the manifestations of other allergic reactions. It is important to see an allergist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Metal allergy symptoms

metal allergy symptoms

Skin symptoms of metal allergies include:

  • Redness and itching;
  • Inflammation and swelling;
  • Vesicles and sores;
  • Dry and flaky skin.

Systemic symptoms

Although metal allergies mostly manifest on the skin, systemic symptoms such as:

  • Digestive disorders;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Fatigue and weakness.

Effects on the immune system

Metal allergies can lead to an overall lowered immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections and other allergic reactions.

Causes of metal allergies

causes of metal allergy

  1. Some people have a genetic predisposition to develop metal allergies. In such cases, the risk of allergy is increased if there is a history of metal allergy in the family.
  2. An increased risk of metal allergy is seen in people who come into frequent contact with metals in their daily lives, work, or hobbies. For example, jewelers, dentists, surgeons or musicians.
  3. A weak immune system can contribute to metal allergies as the body becomes less resistant to allergens.

Diagnosing a metal allergy

An allergist collects a medical history, asking questions about the symptoms, when they occurred, and items the patient came in contact with before the symptoms appeared. A skin examination is also performed to determine the nature and location of the rash.

The patch test is a method of diagnosing metal allergy in which patches of different metals are applied to the skin. After 48 hours, the patches are removed and the doctor evaluates the skin's reaction to each metal.

If a metal allergy is suspected, the doctor may recommend temporarily excluding contact with potential allergens and watching for changes in symptoms.

Treating and preventing metal allergies

metal allergy treatment

The most effective way to treat a metal allergy is to eliminate contact with the allergen. If the allergy is caused by certain jewelry or objects, it is worth replacing them with items made of hypoallergenic materials such as titanium or plastic.

Medication treatment

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to relieve symptoms of metal allergies.

Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Dimedrol), cetirizine (Zyrtec), or loratadine (Claritin) can help reduce itching, redness, and swelling of the skin.

Corticosteroid ointments or creams, such as hydrocortisone, may be prescribed for topical application to affected areas of skin. In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe systemic corticosteroids such as prednisolone.

Alternative treatments

Some patients find relief from metal allergy symptoms with alternative therapies such as homeopathy, phytotherapy, or acupuncture. However, a physician should be consulted before using any alternative methods.

Tips for preventing metal allergies

metal allergy prevention

To prevent metal allergies, the following tips can be followed:

  • Use hypoallergenic materials for jewelry and items that come in contact with the skin;
  • Avoid wearing metal jewelry on a regular basis;
  • Ventilate and moisten the room regularly;
  • Avoid prolonged contact with metal objects that cause allergies.

A metal allergy is a common condition that can cause many unpleasant symptoms. It is important to be able to recognize metal allergies such as copper, steel, aluminum and surgical steel to avoid long-term exposure to the allergens. When symptoms of metal allergies occur, you should see an allergist for a diagnosis and prescription of appropriate treatment. Treatment of metal allergies includes getting rid of contact with the allergens, medication and, if necessary, alternative methods. Preventing metal allergies involves using hypoallergenic materials and avoiding prolonged contact with metals that cause an allergic reaction.

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