Pet allergies: causes and symptoms

animal allergy
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
Article Content

Animal allergies are immune system reactions to proteins in animal hair, feathers, saliva, and other body parts. It can come in many forms, including skin rashes, itching, runny nose, sneezing, and even more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath or asthma. In this article, an experienced allergist will discuss how animal allergies manifest themselves, what animal allergy pills may be helpful, and how they can be treated.

Causes of animal allergies

Animal allergies arise because of immune system hypersensitivity to proteins that may be contained in hair, feathers or saliva. In children and adults, allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. In newborns and infants, allergies may cause skin rashes and itching, while older children and adults may have more pronounced symptoms.

What pets can cause allergies

Allergies are most commonly caused by pets such as cats, dogs, rodents, and birds. However, allergies can also occur to exotic animals such as lizards or snakes.

Symptoms of animal allergies

animal allergy symptoms

  1. Mild symptoms of animal allergies may include skin rashes, itching, lacrimation, nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing. What animal allergies look like in children may be somewhat different from the manifestation in adults.
  2. Severe animal allergy symptoms can include shortness of breath, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, and asthmatic attacks. These symptoms can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.

What are the dangers of animal allergies? Long-term effects of animal allergies can include chronic asthmatic bronchitis, recurrent allergic reactions, and even the development of atopic dermatitis.

Diagnosis of animal allergies

In order to detect animal allergies, an allergist may suggest blood tests or skin tests.

  • Animal allergy blood tests can detect the presence of IgE class antibodies, which indicate a possible allergy.
  • Skin tests are performed by applying allergen extracts to the patient's skin and then watching for possible reactions. If redness and itching occur, a positive test result can be reported.

Treatment of animal allergies

Animal allergy pills usually include antihistamines such as loratadine, cetirizine or fexofenadine. They help manage the symptoms associated with allergies and provide relief to the patient.

Preventive measures

animal allergy prevention

Preventive measures against animal allergies require adherence to the rules for keeping pets and keeping the home clean. Regular cleaning, the use of special air filters, and attention to pet hygiene are recommended.


In some cases the doctor may suggest immunotherapy, which is a treatment method consisting of introducing small doses of an allergen in order for the body to gradually become accustomed to it. This can help reduce sensitivity to allergens and reduce the symptoms of animal allergies.

Tips to prevent pet allergies

  • If you want a pet but suffer from allergies, consider choosing hypoallergenic breeds of cats and dogs, such as sphinxes, Cornish Rex or poodles.
  • Observe the rules of pet ownership: clean the pet's room regularly, perform hygiene procedures, and reduce contact with allergens such as pet hair or saliva. It is also important to provide the pet its own area to limit its presence in certain rooms of the house.
  • Keep your home clean and hygienic: clean regularly, do laundry and wet mopping, use special filters to clean the air, and change your bedding regularly. These measures will help reduce the amount of allergens in the home and reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Animal allergies are a common problem that can manifest with a variety of symptoms in both children and adults. To diagnose and treat it, an allergist may suggest tests, prescription of antihistamines, or even immunotherapy. Preventive measures, such as keeping the home clean, choosing hypoallergenic animal breeds and following pet ownership rules, can help reduce the risk of allergies and provide relief to those who are already suffering from the disease. It is important to seek medical advice and timely treatment to avoid possible complications and improve quality of life.

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