Viral eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

viral eczema
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content


Viral eczema: concept and symptoms

Viral eczema, also known as eczematous herpetiformis, is a skin condition caused by a viral infection, most commonly herpes. 

What is viral eczema?

Viral eczema is a pathological skin condition in which redness, blisters with fluid, and crusts appear on the skin. This inflammatory disease is accompanied by itching and discomfort, and despite the fact that mainly viral eczema is observed in children, adults can also face this problem.

Causes of viral eczema

The main cause of viral eczema is the herpes virus, which can be activated in the presence of pre-existing skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. It is especially important to note that in the presence of unstable immunity in a child, the likelihood of developing this disease increases.

Main symptoms of viral eczema

viral eczema symptoms

The symptoms of viral eczema can vary, but most commonly include itching, redness of the skin, and the presence of blisters with clear or cloudy fluid. If the blisters burst, crusts form. General malaise and fever may also occur.

Diagnosis and treatment of viral eczema

Diagnosis of viral eczema begins with examination of the skin by a doctor and collection of medical history. It is important to inform the doctor of all existing skin diseases, the accompanying symptoms. In some cases, additional tests may be required, including a smear or skin biopsy.

Treatments for viral eczema

viral eczema treatment

Treatment of viral eczema should be comprehensive and aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and fighting the virus.

The basis of therapy is antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir or Valacyclovir, which help limit the activity of the herpes virus.

Topical anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Hydrocortisone or Betamethasone, help reduce inflammation and itching.

Antihistamines such as Cetirizine or Loratadine are used to relieve itching and make the patient feel better.

Prevention and recommendations for skin care

Prevention of viral eczema includes maintaining immunity at the proper level, especially in children, and timely treatment of skin diseases. It is also recommended to avoid contact with patients with herpes.

The basis of skin care for viral eczema is its daily hygiene and moisturizing with special creams and lotions. Avoiding soaps with strong fragrances and cosmetics containing aggressive components will help avoid irritation and dry skin.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that viral eczema, despite its viral nature, is well treated by timely contacting a doctor. It is important to remember prevention and proper skin care to avoid the onset of viral eczema or to reduce its manifestations.


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