Best allergy syrups for kids: review and recommendations

baby allergy syrups
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content


Why do we need allergy syrups?

Allergy syrup for children is an increasingly popular solution for dealing with allergic reactions. Allergies can seriously impair a child's quality of life by causing itching, coughing, runny nose, and other symptoms.

Principle of action of syrups

Allergy syrups, or suspensions, work by blocking the production of histamine, the substance responsible for allergic reactions. They can also reduce inflammation and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Benefits of syrups over pills

For many children it is much easier to take a syrup than a pill. Children's allergy syrup usually has a pleasant taste which makes it easy to take.

Syrups work faster because they start to be absorbed in the mouth and do not take as long to dissolve as tablets.

benefits of allergy syrups

Top 5 allergy syrups for kids

1. Zyrtec: the complete guide

  • Zyrtec contains cetirizine, which effectively blocks histamine.
  • Contraindicated in severe renal failure. Drowsiness and dizziness are possible.

2. Claritin: reviews and effectiveness

  • Claritin contains loratadine, which also prevents the action of histamine.
  • Headache and fatigue may occur.

3. Erius: what doctors say

  • Erius contains desloratadine and is effective against allergies without causing drowsiness.
  • Do not take if hypersensitive to the components. Rarely, headaches may occur.

4. Fenistil: all you need to know

  • Fenistil contains dimethindene and has antihistamine and analgesic action.
  • Not recommended for children under 1 month of age. Drowsiness and nausea are possible.

5. Suprastin: an expert view

  • Suprastin contains chlorpyramine and is effective in relieving acute itching and other allergic reactions.
  • Contraindicated in asthma. Drowsiness is possible.

How to choose the right allergy syrup for your child

  • Always consult a doctor before choosing a syrup, who will help you identify the type of allergy and choose the best treatment.
  • Study reviews and recommendations from other parents and specialists about specific syrups.
  • Compare the composition, active ingredients and price of different syrups to make an informed choice.
  • Consider your child's age, weight, and personality traits when choosing a syrup.

Choosing a pediatric allergy syrup requires a careful approach and consultation with your doctor. An effective syrup will help ensure that the child feels comfortable and get rid of unpleasant allergy symptoms. It is also important to consider the individual characteristics of the body and not to forget about possible contraindications and side effects.

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