Which eczema drugs are worth choosing this year?

eczema medication
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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Eczema is a skin condition that can be caused by various factors. It is important to know what treatments are available to fight this problem.

Traditional drug treatment

Traditional medication treatments include the use of eczema pills, ointments and creams. Antibiotics may be prescribed in cases of infection. Drugs, inexpensive but effective, to relieve itching and inflammation may also be recommended. Vitamins play an important role in strengthening the immune system and promoting healing of the skin.

People's medicine

Remedies of traditional medicine can be an alternative or complementary to medical treatment. Decoctions of herbs such as succession or calendula can be used in the form of compresses. You can also drink herbal decoctions to cleanse the body.


Physical therapy is an important aspect in the complex treatment of eczema.

  • UV therapy is used to treat eczema on the hands, feet and other parts of the skin. It helps reduce inflammation and itching.
  • Laser treatment can be effective in severe cases of eczema when other methods fail.

Rating Medicines for Eczema

top eczema medications

Choosing an effective medication to treat eczema is an important step on the road to recovery.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to its composition, contraindications and doctor's recommendations. It is also important to consider the individual tolerance of the components of the drug.

Hormonal ointments and creams

  • Adventan
  • Elokom
  • Dermoveit
  • Flucinar
  • Triacort

Non-hormonal ointments and creams

  • Bepanten
  • Elidel
  • Zinc ointment
  • Riciniol
  • Atoderm


  • Suprastin
  • Tavegil
  • Zyrtec
  • Fenistil
  • Erius

Budget alternatives to expensive medications

Budget alternatives may include the use of commonly available ointments, such as zinc ointment, or antihistamine tablets, such as diazolin. Shampoo for eczema on the head, such as Nizoral, can be substituted with a shampoo with added tar.

Additionally, oatmeal bath gel can relieve the symptoms of eczema, and injections prescribed by a doctor can help in complicated cases.

Treatment of eczema requires a comprehensive approach, including medication, traditional medicine and physical therapy. It is important to consult with your doctor to choose the most appropriate medications and treatments for your individual needs.

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