Top folk recipes for effective eczema treatment

celandine for eczema
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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Science-based remedies for eczema

Eczema can be a long and complicated battle. Many people today turn to folk remedies for eczema and doctors confirm the effectiveness of some of them.

Herbs for eczema

It is well known that nature provides many solutions for health, and this applies to herbs for eczema as well.

Histle for eczema: properties and uses

Celandine in eczema is used because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially effective for blotchy eczema, since it dries the affected areas. A popular remedy is an ointment based on celandine, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make at home.

How to use chamomile to treat eczema

Chamomile for eczema

Chamomile contains azulene, which is an anti-inflammatory. A decoction of chamomile can be used to treat eczema on the hands. Add chamomile to warm water and wash the affected areas.

Greek succession - an effective herb in the fight against eczema

Bidentis has long been used in folk medicine to treat skin diseases. It can be used in the form of decoction or ointment. It is especially good for dry eczema, as it moisturizes the skin.

Application of oak bark to reduce eczema symptoms

Oak bark contains tannins that help narrow pores and reduce inflammation. Try making a decoction of oak bark and using it for compresses on the affected areas.

Oils in the treatment of eczema

tea tree oil for eczema

Oils are another group of products which can help in the treatment of eczema.

Tea tree oil: uses and benefits

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Add a few drops of the oil to a bathtub with warm water and bathe for 15 minutes.

Buckthorn oil: properties and uses

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It helps to moisturize the skin and reduce inflammation. It can be used in the form of oils or creams.

Mineral and chemical applications

sea salt for eczema treatment

Sea salt in the treatment of eczema on the hands

Sea salt softens the skin and relieves itching. Dissolve sea salt in warm water and make a hand bath.

How hydrogen peroxide can help with eczema

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean and disinfect affected skin. Use it carefully by diluting it with water.

Shilajit: action and use in eczema

Shilajit contains many beneficial minerals and is used to treat various diseases, including eczema. You can use ointments with shilajit or take it internally.

Other folk remedies

eczema treatment with aloe

Renge soap: The benefits and uses

Protective agents like tar soap have a strong antiseptic effect. Use it as a daily wash for affected areas.

Eczema treatment with aloe: recipes and tips

Aloe is known for its healing properties. Apply aloe juice to the affected areas to reduce inflammation and itching.

What vitamins to take for eczema

Vitamins A, D and E can be useful in the treatment of eczema. They strengthen the immune system and promote healing of the skin. Ask your doctor for advice about using vitamin complexes.

Treating eczema on the hands with folk remedies, including the use of herbs such as celandine, chamomile, succession, as well as oils such as tea tree oil and sea buckthorn oil, can be effective in addition to traditional therapy. The importance of using minerals, such as sea salt and mummy, and chemicals, including hydrogen peroxide, should also not be forgotten. It is important to remember that before using folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects and to determine the most effective treatment strategy for your particular case.

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