Dry eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment

dry eczema
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
Article Content


What is dry eczema?

Dry eczema is a skin condition characterized by dryness, itching, redness and the formation of small flaky scales. It can affect any part of the body but is most commonly found on the hands (dry hand eczema), face, feet and legs. In some cases, it can develop on the head or palms and fingers.

Causes of dry eczema

  1. External factors that can cause dry eczema include long-term exposure of the skin to irritants, such as chemical detergents, and adverse environmental conditions, such as dry or cold air.
  2. Internal causes of dry eczema may include genetic predisposition, allergic diseases, and immune system disorders.

Symptoms of dry eczema

The first signs of dry eczema may include dryness and slight redness of the skin and the appearance of mild itching.

Over time, the itching may become worse and the skin may become rough and cracked. A distinctive feature of dry eczema is the formation of small, flaky scales.

Diagnosis of dry eczema

dry eczema diagnosis

Diagnosis of dry eczema includes an external examination, history analysis and, if necessary, allergy tests. In some cases, a skin biopsy may be required.

Treatment of dry eczema

Medication treatment of dry eczema includes the use of topical preparations - ointments with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. Among inexpensive but effective preparations are corticosteroid-based ointments such as "Flucinar", "Synaflan", and calcineurin-based ointments such as "Protopic" and "Eledel".


In addition to medication, physical therapy methods such as UV therapy or mud therapy may be used.

Natural remedies

folk remedies for dry eczema

Among folk remedies for the treatment of dry eczema often used decoctions and infusions based on chamomile, plantain, calendula, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

Diet and lifestyle in eczema

Diet and lifestyle play an important role in the treatment of dry eczema. It is recommended to avoid potential allergens in food and to abstain from smoking and alcohol.

Preventing dry eczema

Regular moisturizing of the skin with special creams and lotions and avoiding contact with irritants helps prevent the development of dry eczema.

A balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular B group vitamins, vitamins A, C and E as well as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids is essential.

In conclusion, dry eczema is a skin condition that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment and prevention. With timely treatment and strict adherence to all recommendations, you can achieve lasting improvement in your skin condition and quality of life.

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