Best ointments for allergic dermatitis for children

dermatitis ointments for children
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Atopic dermatitis in children is a common disease, the symptoms of which are itching, redness and dry skin. Treatment ointments and creams play a significant role, and the right choice of medication will help to alleviate the condition of the child. Let's look at what to ointment the skin with allergic dermatitis in children.

How allergic dermatitis ointments work

Ointments and creams often contain anti-inflammatory components, which reduce inflammation of the skin, reducing itching and redness. This is especially important in atopic dermatitis, as skin inflammation can be quite pronounced.

Dermatitis is often accompanied by dry skin. Ointments and creams with moisturizing components help retain moisture in the skin, preventing dryness and flaking.

Some ointments create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, which prevents penetration of allergens and irritants, promoting healing.

Popular ointments for allergic dermatitis

Hormonal ointments, such as Hydrocortisone and Advantan, contain corticosteroids that quickly relieve inflammation and itching. However, they should only be used as prescribed by a doctor and for short periods of time.

Non-hormonal ointments, such as Bepanthen and Emolium, have moisturizing and healing properties. They are suitable for long-term use and are usually well tolerated by children.

Combination ointments, such as Fucicort, contain several active ingredients that have a complex effect on the skin.

How to choose the right ointment

It is important to consider the age of the child, as some products may be contraindicated for infants.

Take into account your child's skin type - dry, normal or oily. This will allow you to select the ointment that best meets the needs of the skin.

Mild manifestations of dermatitis can do with mild moisturizing creams, while severe symptoms may require ointments with anti-inflammatory components.

Top 5 allergic dermatitis ointments for children

top dermatitis ointments for children

1. Adventan

Contains methylprednisolone and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Effective, but not suitable for long-term use because of its hormone content.

2. Bepanthen

Contains dexpanthenol and helps to heal and moisturise the skin.

Well tolerated, suitable for long-term use. May be less effective with severe inflammation.

3. Fucicort

Contains fusidic acid and betamethasone. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Effective in infected forms of dermatitis, but contains hormones.

4. Emolium

It contains glycerin and fatty acids and moisturizes and softens the skin.

Safe for long-term use, but may be less effective for severe symptoms.

5. Atoderm by Bioderma

Contains natural moisturizing ingredients, protects the skin from allergens.

Good moisturizing, suitable for sensitive skin. Price may be higher than other ointments.

Tips for using ointments for allergic dermatitis

  • Apply the ointment according to your doctor's recommendations or instructions. Usually, it is done 1-2 times a day on clean skin.
  • Be careful when using hormonal ointments and do not use them longer than recommended by your doctor.
  • In some cases, the ointment may be combined with antihistamines or other treatments as recommended by your doctor.

Choosing the right ointment or cream to treat allergic dermatitis in children can greatly improve your child's quality of life. When choosing a remedy, consider the age of the child, the type of skin, and the severity of the symptoms. Always follow the doctor's recommendations and read the instructions before applying the ointment. Do not forget about complementary therapies that can increase the effect of ointments and creams.

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