Which ointment for atopic dermatitis to choose? Overview of the best options

neurodermatitis ointment
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Treating neurodermatitis: why are ointments important?

Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease that requires a special approach to treatment. The key element in the treatment of this disease is the neurodermatitis ointment. The right ointment helps relieve symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.

Principle of action of the neurodermatitis ointment

Ointments for the treatment of neurodermatitis work on two basic principles: moisturizing the skin and alleviating inflammation. Smearing a neurodermatitis ointment on the hands, feet or body creates a protective film that prevents moisture loss and irritation. In addition, many ointments contain active ingredients that fight itching and inflammation.

The benefits and effectiveness of ointments in treating neurodermatitis

Ointments for neurodermatitis play an important role in the treatment of this disease. They help to improve skin condition, reduce itching and discomfort, and restore the skin's natural protective function. Research shows that neurodermatitis ointments can significantly improve patients' quality of life.

Top 5 ointments for neurodermatitis

top ointments for neurodermatitis

The choice of ointment depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the stage of the disease. Below is a list of the top 5 ointments that are recommended by experts in the treatment of neurodermatitis.

Advantan is an effective ointment that can be used in the treatment of neurodermatitis in adults. It contains the active ingredient methylprednisolone, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. This ointment helps reduce itching and inflammation, relieving the symptoms of neurodermatitis.

Bepanten is a universal remedy that is great for treating neurodermatitis on the hands or feet. The main active ingredient in this cream is dexpanthenol, which helps to moisturize and restore the skin.

Phenystyl gel is an antihistamine agent, which has a pronounced antipruritic effect. It can be used on the face and on other areas of the body to relieve the symptoms of neurodermatitis.

Gistan is a non-hormonal ointment that has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. The main active ingredient - betulin, has pronounced antiseptic and healing properties. This ointment than to smear the skin in neurodermatitis, as it reduces inflammation, itching and skin irritation.

Protopik is a nonsteroidal ointment for neurodermatitis that contains tacrolimus. This drug reduces inflammation in the skin and helps reduce itching and irritation.

Together with other drugs, the treatment of neurodermatitis in adults becomes more effective. But it is important to remember that the choice of a particular drug should be made by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Can I use an ointment for neurodermatitis during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the choice of medication should be discussed with your doctor. Some ointments can be used during pregnancy, but individual reactions and potential risks to the fetus should always be considered.

Which ointments for neurodermatitis are safe for children?

Non-hormonal ointments such as Bepanten or Fenistil gel are recommended for children. They have mild action and are well tolerated even by young children.

To summarize, it is worth noting that ointments for neurodermatitis are an important tool in the complex treatment of this disease. They help to reduce itching, inflammation and other symptoms, as well as improve the skin, restoring its protective functions. It is extremely important to choose the right ointment according to the individual characteristics of the skin and the stage of the disease. And, of course, it is always important to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

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