The best urticaria ointments: review and rating

urticaria ointments
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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Hives ointments - an effective remedy

Urticaria is a common skin condition accompanied by itching and rashes. Regardless of age, whether it is an adult or a child, an ointment for urticaria will be an indispensable helper. In this article, an experienced allergologist will share information about which ointments are effective for urticaria and how to use them correctly.

The principle of action of ointments for urticaria

Anti-inflammatory action

Ointments for urticaria usually contain anti-inflammatory components that help reduce swelling and redness of the skin. This is important because inflammation is the main manifestation of an allergic reaction in urticaria.

Antihistamine action

The main goal of treating hives is to stop the action of histamine, the molecule that causes itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Many skin hives ointments contain antihistamine components, which make itching and swelling go away quickly.

Soothing effect

Some ointments have a soothing effect that helps reduce irritation and discomfort from itching. This is especially important for urticaria in adults and children, who may experience a lot of discomfort due to itching.

Types of hives ointments

top ointments for urticaria

Hormonal ointments, such as Hydrocortisone and Betamethasone, contain corticosteroids that quickly relieve the symptoms of urticaria. They are effective, but not recommended for long-term use because of possible side effects.

Non-hormonal ointments like Fenistil and Psilo Balm are suitable for milder treatment. They are suitable for long-term use and are safe for use in children.

Combination ointments like Akriderm GK contain both hormonal and antihistamine components, which makes them very effective in treating hives.

Top 5 Ointments for Urticaria

  1. "Akriderm GC" - a combined ointment, provides rapid relief of symptoms.
  2. "Hydrocortisone" - an effective hormonal ointment to quickly relieve itching and inflammation.
  3. "Betamethasone" is another powerful hormonal ointment, good for severe itching.
  4. "Fenistil" is a non-hormonal gel, excellent for long-term use, safe for children.
  5. "Psilo-balm" - nonhormonal ointment, helps relieve itching and irritation.

How to use an ointment for hives

Urticaria ointment should be applied with a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. Before this, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

The time of use of the ointment depends on its type and the individual reaction of the body. It is important to remember that hormonal ointments should not be used longer than 1-2 weeks without a doctor's prescription.

Cautions and possible side effects

  • Hormonal ointments are contraindicated in the presence of fungal or bacterial skin infections, as well as in children under 2 years of age. Non-hormonal ointments can be used by almost everyone, with the exception of people with an individual intolerance to the components.
  • Possible side effects may include skin irritation, rashes, and dry skin. If you notice these symptoms, stop using the ointment and see your doctor.

So, hives ointment is an effective medication that can quickly relieve the symptoms of hives, such as itching and inflammation. It is important to use ointments correctly and be aware of the limitations and possible side effects. Always follow your doctor's recommendations when choosing and using urticaria ointments.

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