Foot allergy cream for adults: rating, review

foot allergy cream
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content

Types of creams for allergies on the skin of the feet

Allergic reactions on the skin of the feet often cause itching and discomfort. There are many allergy creams for adult skin allergies on the feet, which can be divided into three categories.

Hormonal creams

Hormonal creams, such as hydrocortisone and fluorcort, have strong anti-inflammatory effects. They suppress the immune response and reduce the production of substances that cause inflammation. However, these creams can cause side effects with long-term use and are not recommended without a doctor's prescription.

Negormonal creams

Non-hormonal creams, such as Fenistil and Bepanthen, are gentler on the skin. They moisturize the skin and have anti-inflammatory properties, but do not contain hormones.

Natural-based creams

Natural-based creams, such as La Cree, often contain plant extracts that can help reduce skin irritation and itching.

Top 5 creams for adult foot allergies

top allergy creams for foot allergies

Cream #1: Advantan

The active ingredient in Advantan is methylprednisolone. Pros: strong anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves itching. Cons: not recommended for long-term use.

Cream #2: Phenystil

Fenistil contains dimethindene. Pros: moisturizes the skin well, relieves itching. Minuses: allergic reactions possible.

Cream #3: Bepanten

Contains dexpanthenol. Pluses: stimulates the healing process and moisturizes the skin. Cons: slower to relieve itching than hormonal creams.

Cream #4: La Cree

Contains plant extracts, vitamins. Pros: The formula is natural and moisturizes the skin. Minuses: less effective for severe allergic reactions.

Cream #5: Elocom

Contains mometasone. Pros: very effective for severe itching and inflammation. Cons: possible side effects, doctor's advice necessary.

How to use allergy cream correctly

  • Adult foot allergy cream or ointment should be applied in a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin.
  • The frequency of use depends on the condition of the skin and the manufacturer's recommendations. Usually the cream is applied once or twice a day.
  • Avoid contact with allergens, moisturize your skin regularly, and if your skin is very itchy, use antihistamines as recommended by your doctor.

When choosing an allergy cream for adult skin allergies, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of the body and consult your doctor. Proper care and use of the right products will help reduce irritation and improve quality of life.


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