Top non-hormonal ointments for fighting allergies

Non-normal allergy ointment
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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Non-hormonal ointments for allergies: an effective and safe solution

Allergies have become a frequent companion of many people these days. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat this problem. One of the most effective and safe methods is non-hormonal allergy ointments.

How do non-hormonal allergy ointments work?

Non-hormonal ointments work due to their antihistamine effect. They reduce the production of histamine in the body, which reduces allergy manifestations such as itching, redness and swelling on the skin in adults and children. This is especially important when treating skin reactions such as urticaria.

Benefits of using non-hormonal ointments

Unlike hormonal products, non-hormonal ointments have fewer side effects and are suitable for long-term use. They can also be used on the face and other sensitive areas of the body. It is noted that non-hormonal allergy ointments are suitable even for children.

When to use non-hormonal ointments

Non-hormonal ointments are recommended for mild and moderate forms of allergy. They are effective in hives in adults to relieve itching, and in allergic reactions on the face and other parts of the skin.

Top popular non-hormonal ointments for allergies

top non-hormonal allergy ointments

1. Fenistil is an antihistamine ointment, which thanks to its composition quickly relieves itching and redness. This ointment is effective for hives, as well as for allergic reactions to insect bites and contact dermatitis.

2. Bepanten is a popular non-hormonal skin allergy cream for children that promotes skin healing and hydration. It is used to treat diathesis, dry skin and small cracks in the skin caused by allergies.

3. Sudocrem has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, relieves itching and redness. It is effective for contact dermatitis, diaper rash and skin irritation in children and adults.

4. La Crie is a cheap but effective ointment that moisturizes the skin and reduces inflammation. Suitable for treating dry skin, as well as allergic reactions on the face and hands.

5. Gistan is an antihistamine ointment that quickly relieves itching and swelling in allergic reactions. It is effective in hives, allergies to insect bites and food allergies.

How to choose a non-hormonal allergy ointment: expert advice

When choosing an allergy ointment, it is important to consider the composition of the product, its ability to moisturize the skin, as well as the age of the patient and the nature of the allergic reaction. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using the ointment.

How to use non-hormonal ointments for maximum effect

Non-hormonal ointments should be applied to clean and dry skin. It is important to follow the instructions for use and not to exceed the recommended frequency of use.

Non-hormonal allergy ointments are an effective solution for relieving itching, redness and other allergy symptoms on the skin in adults and children. They are safe for long-term use and are suitable for use on the face. The choice of medication should be based on the nature of the allergic reaction and your doctor's recommendations. Don't forget the importance of following the instructions for use for maximum effect.


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