The best medicines to fight cat allergies

Medications for cat allergies
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Cat allergy medications: types and features

Among the extensive range of medications today, cat allergy pills occupy one of the main places. Allergies to pets, including cats, are a frequent problem in adults and children. The importance of choosing effective medications cannot be overstated. Let's look at the three main types of medications used in treating this type of allergy: antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and immunotherapy.


Antihistamine pills for cat allergies block the effects of histamine, the substance responsible for allergy symptoms.

Drug 1: Cetirizine - review, pros and cons

Cetirizine is one of the most popular allergy medications. It is used for both adults and children. Pros: effectiveness, fast action and affordable cost. Cons: possible side effects, such as drowsiness and dry mouth.

Drug 2: Fexofenadine - review, pros and cons

Fexofenadine is recommended when it comes to more severe forms of allergies. Pros: powerful antihistamine action, fewer side effects. Cons: higher cost, not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Drug 3: Loratadine - review, pros and cons

Loratadine is suitable for the treatment of allergies in adults and children. Pros: mild action, rarely causes drowsiness. Minuses: possible allergy to the drug itself, the effect comes on slower.


cat allergy drops

These drugs have anti-inflammatory effects and are often used in the form of drops.

Drug 1: Fluticasone - review, pros and cons

Fluticasone are drops that help reduce inflammation in the airways. Pros: effective for chronic allergies. Cons: possible side effects, not recommended for long-term use.

Drug 2: Budesonide - review, pros and cons

Budesonide has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Pros: suitable for long-term treatment, minimal side effects. Cons: slow onset of action, high cost.

Drug 3: Mometazone - review, pros and cons

Mometazone is another glucocorticosteroid used in the form of drops. Pros: suitable for children and adults, quickly relieves symptoms. Cons: the possibility of developing dependence with prolonged use.


Immunotherapy involves inoculating the body against cat allergens through gradual introduction of the allergen.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy

This method involves regular injections of an allergen. Pros: the possibility of getting rid of allergies. Cons: duration of the course, possible adverse reactions.

Sublingual immunotherapy

In this method, the allergen is placed under the tongue in the form of tablets or drops. Pros: safe, suitable for children. Cons: duration of the course, cost.

Oral vaccines

Oral vaccines help stimulate immunity through taking pills. Pros: ease of use. Cons: not always effective, adverse reactions are possible.

How to choose a medication for cat allergies?

The choice of medicine depends on the individual characteristics of the body, age and severity of the allergy. It is recommended that you consult an allergologist to prescribe a suitable medication. It is important to keep in mind that some medications are suitable for children, while others are only recommended for adults.

Cat allergy is a serious condition that requires a competent approach. The choice of medication should be made on the basis of a list of doctor's recommendations, taking into account possible side effects and the individual characteristics of the body. It is important to remember that modern cat and cat allergy pills can significantly alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.


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