Allergy medicine: a comparative review and recommendations

allergy medication
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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Review of modern allergy remedies

Today we are fortunate to have many modern, effective and even inexpensive remedies for allergies. Many people suffer from allergic reactions and the choice of the best remedy for allergies today becomes an urgent task. 


antihistamines for allergies

Antihistamines for allergies are the top medications that help reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.

There are several generations of these drugs. First-generation drugs, such as Dimedrol, have a number of side effects, including drowsiness. Second-generation drugs (such as Zyrtec) are already safer. The most recent generation drugs, such as Erius, are powerful and have virtually no side effects.

The list of good antihistamines includes Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, and Claritin. These drugs are effective for adults and help relieve allergies.

Hormonal remedies

Hormonal remedies for allergies are used in severe cases.

  • Hormonal ointments, such as Hydrocortisone, are used to treat the skin manifestations of allergies.
  • In severe allergy cases, systemic medications such as Prednisolone may be prescribed.

Medications to relieve symptoms of allergies

allergy medications

Eye drops

Eye drops such as Opatanol are used to relieve itching and red eyes.

Nasal sprays

Nasal sprays, such as Nasonex, can relieve nasal symptoms.

Itching and skin rash remedies

Phenystil gel and Bepanthen are good for treating the skin symptoms of allergies.

Medications based on natural ingredients

phytotherapy for allergies

Phytotherapy against allergies

Decoctions of chamomile and nettle can relieve symptoms of allergy.

Bio supplements and vitamin complexes

Dietary supplements such as quercetin and vitamin C can help strengthen the immune system.

It is important to note that the rating of allergy medications is constantly changing, as new generation products are constantly being released. A strong allergy medication may not be effective in an individual case, so it is important to choose carefully. Some allergy remedies can be inexpensive, yet quite effective.

Different medications are often recommended for adults and children, and choosing the best allergy remedy depends on the specific situation. Don't forget about seasonal allergies, for which you should choose medications specifically designed to relieve the symptoms associated with a certain time of year. Remember, what helps with allergies in one case may not be effective in another, so it is important to consult a specialist for advice.

Choosing the best allergy remedy

For seasonal allergies, new generation antihistamines are best, while ointments and creams can be used for skin manifestations.

Modern innovations in allergy treatment

immunotherapy for the treatment of allergies


Immunotherapy involves the administration of small doses of an allergen, with the aim of gradually getting the body used to it. It is recommended for people with chronic allergic reactions.

Biological preparations

Biological drugs, such as Omalizumab, block allergic reactions at the cellular level. Biologic therapies can be expensive, but they offer revolutionary possibilities in treating allergies.

What allergy remedies can be given to children?

allergy medicines for children

Cetirizine-based medications, such as Zyrtec, are recommended for children, and local remedies, such as eye drops, can be used.

Can allergies be completely cured?

A complete cure depends on the type of allergy and the individual characteristics of the body.

What allergy medications do not cause drowsiness?

The latest generation antihistamines, such as Erius, do not cause drowsiness and are the preferred choice.

The choice of allergy remedy depends on many factors, including the type of allergy, age, and individual characteristics of the body. Antihistamines, hormones, drops, sprays, and biologics all make up a wide range of options for relieving allergy symptoms. It is not advisable to choose on your own what to drink for allergies. You should always consult a doctor, who, based on his experience and knowledge, will tell you which allergy medicine is best suited to your case.

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