Your guide to allergy shots: 5 market leaders

allergy shots
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
Article Content


The principle of allergy shots

Allergy shots have become an integral part of treatment for many people. The principle of action of such shots is based on suppressing the body's immune response to the allergen. This helps to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of allergies.

There are different types of shots, including hormonal and non-hormonal shots. Hormonal shots, which often contain steroids, are usually used to relieve symptoms quickly, especially in emergencies. New generation shots work for a longer period of time and help manage chronic allergic reactions.

Top allergy shots: ratings and characteristics

When choosing an allergy shot for adults and children, several factors must be considered. It is important to pay attention to the duration of the drug, its ability to quickly cope with an allergic reaction and possible side effects. For children, it is recommended to choose medications with minimal hormone content. In emergency cases, when urgent relief of symptoms is needed, for example, from swelling, you can use injections with a stronger effect.

top allergy shots

1. Prednisolone - is a hormonal allergy shot that contains steroids. It is especially effective for urgent relief of severe allergic reactions. Prednisolone is injected intramuscularly and quickly relieves swelling. However, it is not recommended for long term use because of possible side effects.

2. Zaditen – is a new generation antihistamine drug, intended for injection. It is suitable for both adults and children and provides long-lasting action, allowing allergy symptoms to be controlled for the long term.

3. Epinephrine - often used for emergency treatment of allergic reactions. It is administered through ampoules, and is intended for single use in case of anaphylactic shock or severe edema.

4. Xyzal – is another representative of the new generation of antihistamines. Good for long-term treatment of allergies in adults and children, helping to keep symptoms under control for a year.

5. Fencarol - is an antihistamine used by both adults and children. Although not a next-generation drug, it has mild and long-lasting effects, especially with regular use.

In conclusion, the choice of an allergy shot should be based on the individual patient's needs, taking into account age, the nature of the allergic reaction and possible side effects. Hormonal shots containing steroids are usually used for emergency symptom relief, while new generation antihistamines are preferred for long-term treatment. You should always consult your doctor before starting any therapy.


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