How to use nettles to cure allergies

allergy nettle
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content


Brief overview of nettles as a medicinal plant

Nettle is a wonderful plant that is worth taking a special place in everyone's medicine cabinet. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat a multitude of ailments, including allergies. In this article, I, an experienced allergist, will talk in detail about the use of nettle in medicine and its ability to fight allergies.

The history of using nettles as a remedy goes back centuries. Back in the Middle Ages, healers gathered nettles to treat wounds, inflammations and colds. Nettles were called the "miracle herb" for their unique properties.

Application of nettles to treat allergies

These days, more and more attention is being paid to the use of nettles for allergies. This method is especially popular among supporters of alternative medicine.

How nettle affects allergies

  • Nettles contain components that block the production of histamine in the body. Histamine is the substance that causes allergy symptoms such as itching, hives, and swelling.
  • Nettles also contain antioxidants and minerals that help reduce the inflammation often associated with allergic reactions.

Ways to use nettles for allergies

nettle infusion

Nettle teas and tinctures

One popular way to use nettles to treat hives and other allergies is in a tea or infusion. Add 2 tablespoons of dried nettles to boiling water, leave to infuse and drink 2-3 times a day.

Nettle juice

Nettle juice can be squeezed from fresh leaves and drunk 1 tablespoon a day. It will help strengthen the immune system and reduce allergy symptoms.

Capsules and tablets with nettle extract

Nettle extract capsules and tablets, such as Nettle Leaf Extract or Urtica Dioica, are also on the market. These preparations are convenient to use and provide a standardized dosage.

How to properly harvest and store nettles

When gathering nettles, it's important to choose eco-friendly places, away from roads. Pick young plant tops in May and June. Dry them in a dark, well-ventilated place and store in paper bags.

Potential side effects and contraindications

  • Like any medication, nettles can have side effects, such as stomach upset or allergic reactions.
  • To minimize the risk of side effects, start with small doses and gradually increase them, monitoring your body's reaction.
  • Nettle is contraindicated if you are pregnant, taking diuretics or anticoagulant medications.

Nettle is a powerful natural resource in the fight against allergies. Its antihistamines and ability to reduce inflammation make nettles an effective allergy remedy. However, before you start using nettles, I recommend consulting your doctor to avoid possible side effects and to determine the most appropriate way to use them for your condition.

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