How succession fights allergies: a guide to allergy

allergy herb succession
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Use of heather in allergy treatment

Allergy doctors often research the benefits of various plants for treating allergies. One of these plants is succession. Allergy tea can be effective, especially for hives and in children with skin allergies. 

Let's get acquainted with the succession: useful properties

The succession is a small perennial plant that is often used in folk medicine. The succession is usually about 20-50 cm tall. Its stems are thin, its leaves are long, narrow, and its flowers are small, white or pink. This plant is common in Europe and Asia, and can often be found in meadows, roadside fields, and wet places.

Vitamins and minerals in the composition of the series of succession. The succession is rich in beneficial substances. It contains vitamins A, C, K as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. These components contribute to strengthening the immune system and overall strengthening of the body.

How does succession affect allergic reactions

The role of succession is particularly important in allergic reactions.

  • Bleeding contains flavonoids and other antioxidants that may reduce inflammation associated with allergies. This, in turn, helps improve immune system function and reduces sensitivity to allergens.
  • Allergy tea can reduce itching, redness and swelling, especially in adults and children with skin allergies. This is especially true for hives, where symptoms can be especially painful and irritating.

Ways to use succession

succession infusions

There are various ways to use succession in the treatment of allergies.

Sherring teas and infusions

A tea can be made by pouring boiling water over the dried leaves of the plant. Infusion of succession can also be made by infusing the herb in warm water. These drinks can be consumed 2-3 times a day.

Sherring tinctures and ointments

A succession tincture can be prepared using alcohol. Ointments based on succession may be effective for the local reduction of allergy symptoms on the skin.

Recommendations and contraindications

It is advisable to consult a physician before starting to use a succession for allergies. Some preparations, such as "Allertal" on the basis of succession, can be recommended by a specialist. It is also worth keeping in mind possible contraindications, including individual intolerance and pregnancy.

In conclusion, succession is a valuable herb with anti-allergic properties. It can reduce allergy symptoms, especially in adults and children with skin allergies and in hives. However, it is important to consult a physician and consider possible contraindications before using it.

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