A natural allergy protector: soda to help with allergies

allergy soda
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
Article Content


Soda and its properties

Baking soda, or sodium hydrogen carbonate, is a white powder that is widely used in the food industry and home cooking. This versatile product also has a number of health benefits that can be used for medical purposes.

Soda for allergies can be used as a remedy to relieve various symptoms. It has antibacterial properties, helps normalize the acid-base balance and can be used to relieve itching and skin irritation.

How baking soda can help with allergies

For hives and other allergic reactions, baking soda can help reduce histamine production in the body. This helps reduce inflammation and itching. Adding a small amount of baking soda to water and applying this solution to the skin can relieve the irritation.

The soothing effect of baking soda on the skin

A baking soda bath is a great way to relieve irritation and itching caused by allergies. Add 200-300 grams of baking soda to a warm bath and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This will not only relieve irritation, but also relax your body.

A baking soda compress can also be useful in treating allergies. Mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste, then apply it to the affected areas of your skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. 

Cleansing the airways with baking soda

Baking soda can also be used to cleanse the respiratory tract. Add a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and inhale.

Application of baking soda at home

baking soda

To prepare a baking soda solution, it is recommended to use 1 teaspoon of baking soda per glass of warm water. Stir well so that the baking soda dissolves.

Contraindications and Precautions

Although baking soda is considered safe, its use should be considered. Avoid overuse and consult your doctor if you have a chronic medical condition or are pregnant.

How often can you use baking soda to treat allergies

We recommend using baking soda no more than 2-3 times a week to avoid possible skin irritation.

Comparison of baking soda with other allergy remedies

Soda vs. antihistamine pills

While baking soda may help relieve some allergy symptoms, antihistamine pills such as Zyrtec or Claritin are often more effective in reducing allergic reactions.

Soda vs. creams and ointments

Creams and ointments such as Fenistil or Bepanthen may be more effective in locally treating skin allergy symptoms than soda.

Combining baking soda with other remedies

Soda can be combined with other remedies to enhance the effect. For example, adding baking soda to a cream or ointment can help enhance their effects.

Soda for allergies can be a useful addition to traditional treatments. Its soothing properties may relieve irritation and itching on the skin and help clear the airways. However, it is important to remember to take precautions and not to overuse baking soda. It is always advisable to consult a physician before using a new treatment.

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