How to get rid of allergies with folk remedies?

traditional remedies for allergies
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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Treatment of allergies with folk remedies: effective methods and recipes

In recent years, people have been increasingly asking themselves how to get rid of allergies at home. This article was written by an experienced allergologist and focuses on traditional remedies for allergies and the role of herbs in fighting this disease.

Why should you pay attention to folk remedies for allergies?

One of the key aspects of traditional medicine is its safety and availability. Traditional remedies for allergies are often based on the use of medicinal plants, which minimizes the risk of side effects and reduces the cost.

Medicinal plants and herbs for allergies

herbs for allergies

There are many herbs that can help with allergies. A special place is occupied by an herbal collection consisting of nettle, bidens and St. John's wort. These plants have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

For many, it is important that the treatment was without pills. Lotions based on herbs and oils can be a good alternative to chemical preparations.

How to get rid of allergies at home: folk recipes and methods

ginger, lemon and rosehip for allergies


Herbal gatherings and decoctions to strengthen the immune system

Herbs for allergies, such as rosehip, ginger and lemon, can strengthen the immune system. Rosehip decoction with ginger and lemon is effective in reducing sensitivity to allergens.

Sprouts and compresses: soothing effect on the skin

Lotions based on decoction of chamomile and calendula are recommended to relieve itching on the skin and eliminate the symptoms of allergies. They have a soothing effect on the skin and contribute to its regeneration.

Homeopathic remedies for fighting allergies

Homeopathic remedies are another effective method of treating allergies. Allium Cepa is particularly popular and helps with allergic runny nose.

Specific types of allergy and how to treat them with folk remedies

How to treat allergic dermatitis in adults and children

folk treatment for dermatitis

Lotions with decoction of oats are effective for allergic dermatitis. They relieve itching and inflammation on the skin.

Herbal mixture of St. John's wort, nettle and succession strengthens the immune system and reduces the sensitivity to allergens in adults and children.

Treatment of food allergies: folk recipes and herbs

For the treatment of food allergies a decoction of nettle leaves and licorice root can be used, which normalizes the stomach and reduces allergic reactions.

Remedies for itching and allergic skin rash

traditional remedies for allergic rashes

To relieve itching on the face and hands you can use lotions with chamomile and honey, also effective compresses with aloe.

From allergic rashes well help lotions from decoction of succession and oak bark, which soothe the skin.

Advice and recommendations for the use of folk remedies for allergies

When using folk remedies for allergies, it is important to follow the dosage and regularity of application. Applications of lotions should be made at least twice a day, and herbal compounds should be drunk for a course of 2-3 weeks.

Allergy prevention with folk remedies

allergy prevention with folk methods

Prevention of allergies is also possible with the help of folk remedies. The regular use of decoctions of medicinal plants and the use of lotions help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

In conclusion, we want to note that folk remedies for allergies can be very effective, but you should remember that before using them it is better to consult a doctor to avoid undesirable consequences. Folk medicine, based on the use of medicinal plants and herbs, can be a good alternative or addition to traditional therapy of allergies.

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