How to choose safe and effective allergy eye drops for children

Allergy eye drops for a child
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Why are eye drops an important treatment for allergies?

Allergic reactions often cause discomfort and anxiety in children, especially when the symptoms appear in the eyes in the form of itching, lacrimation and redness. It is in these cases that allergy eye drops for children become invaluable helpers.

Principle of action of eye drops for allergies

Eye drops for allergies usually contain antihistamines that block the action of histamine, a substance released in the body during an allergic reaction and that causes itching, swelling and redness. In addition, some drops may contain vasoconstrictor components that constrict blood vessels, reducing swelling and redness.

Benefits of using eye drops for children

Allergy eye drops for children have a number of benefits. They act quickly to relieve symptoms and also provide local effects, which reduces the likelihood of systemic side effects.

Best eye drops for allergies for children

There are many types of eye drops for allergies, but below are the three main ones that are often recommended by doctors for use by children.

"Zaditor" are antihistamine drops that are effective in controlling itching and tearing. They can be used by children over the age of three.

"Alomide" are eye drops containing the anti-allergic substance lodoxamide. They are used to prevent and treat allergy symptoms and can be used in children over two years of age.

"Opatanol" is another antihistamine that is effective in treating itching and tearing caused by allergies. It can be used in children over three years old.

How to choose the right eye drops

Choosing allergy eye drops for children

When choosing eye drops for allergies for children, consider the age of the child, the nature of the symptoms and possible side effects. A doctor should always be consulted before using these medications.

How to use eye drops for allergies correctly

  • Proper use of eye drops is important for the best effect. Drops are usually applied to the lower eyelid 1-2 times a day, but recommendations may vary depending on the medication.
  • Common mistakes are skipping doses, improper application of drops (not in the lower eyelid), and insufficient hand and bottle hygiene.

Safety of eye drops for children

Although eye drops are usually well tolerated, they can cause some side effects such as eye irritation, blurred vision, and headaches. If serious side effects occur, you should see your doctor immediately.

Keep your hands and bottle clean, watch the expiration date of the drops, and avoid allowing the tip of the bottle to come into contact with surfaces to avoid contamination.

Allergy eye drops for children are an effective remedy for relieving allergy symptoms. Choosing the best drops requires consultation with your doctor, and proper and safe use ensures the best results.

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