Overview of the best allergy drops for children

allergy drops for children
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
Article Content


Allergies are a common illness that can follow a child from an early age. It appears in the form of skin rashes, itching, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. To combat it, doctors often recommend the use of allergy drops for children, which have a number of positive properties and are quite effective.

The importance of choosing the right allergy drops for children

The choice of children's allergy drops is a responsible process, which should be based on the recommendations of the doctor and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's body. Incorrectly selected medication may not only bring relief, but also cause the development of side effects.

How do allergy drops for children work?

Allergy drops for children work differently depending on their type. Some of them block the production of the substance that causes an allergic reaction, others reduce the inflammatory process, others provide moistening of mucous membranes.

Popular types of allergy drops for children

Antihistamine allergy drops for children are some of the most effective and popular. They block histamine receptors, which helps reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.

  • Such drops include "Zyrtec", "Fenistil", "Vibrocil". They can be used for children from 1 year old, but some of them are also suitable for use from birth.

Hormonal allergy drops for children contain corticosteroids, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. They are used to treat allergic rhinitis and allergic runny nose.

  • "Avamis", "Nazonex", "Flixonase" are examples of hormonal drops that can be used in children. It is important to remember that their use requires strict adherence to the dosage and monitoring by a doctor.

Hydrating eye drops for allergies for children help cope with dry, itchy and red eyes, which often accompany allergic reactions.

  • These include Oftagel, Vidisik, Hilo-chest. They are safe to use even for babies and have a minimal number of side effects.

How to choose the right allergy drops for children?

Choosing allergy drops for children

  1. Before choosing allergy drops for children, it is important to consider age restrictions. Not all medications can be used for children under one year old, from one year old, or from birth. You should always read the instructions carefully before using the medication.
  2. The type of allergy also plays a big role in choosing the drops. Nasal allergy drops for children will be effective for allergic rhinitis, and eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis.
  3. In addition, it is important to check the composition of the drug and carefully read the instructions for its use. It contains information about possible contraindications, side effects, and the correct way to use the drops.

The correct use of allergy drops for children

When applying drops to the skin clean the skin thoroughly before applying them, then spread the drops evenly by gently rubbing them in.

To use the drops in the eye, tilt back the lower eyelid, then gently inject one or two drops into the conjunctival sac. It is important to avoid contact of the tip of the dropper with the surface of the eye to prevent infection.

Cautions and side effects

Allergy drops for children may have side effects such as skin irritation and itching, headache, dry mouth, and fatigue. If these symptoms occur, be sure to see your doctor.

If your child's condition worsens after using the drops, or if further symptoms develop, you should stop using them immediately and see a doctor.

Recommendations on storage and expiry date

Allergy drops for children should be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. The product usually keeps its properties for a month after the vial is opened. Always watch the expiration date of the medication and do not use it after it has expired.

In conclusion, choosing allergy drops for children is a task that requires a careful approach. By following all the recommendations and cautions, you will be able to make the right choice and provide your child with a comfortable state even during allergy exacerbation.

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