Overview of medications to fight allergic cough in adults

Allergy cough medicines
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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How to choose medications for allergic cough

Allergic cough is a common problem among adults and children. The key to successful treatment is choosing the right medication. Let's find out what remedies for allergic cough are the most effective.

There are many drugs for allergic cough in adults of the new generation, which can be divided into several categories.


Antihistamine pills for allergic cough in adults block the production of histamine, thereby reducing allergy symptoms. Examples include Cetrine, Erius, and Zyrtec.


These agents dilate the bronchi, making it easier to breathe. One example is salbutamol in spray form.


Corticosteroids reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways. Examples are Pulmicort and Budesonide.

Top 5 drugs for allergic cough in adults

Top allergy cough medicines

There are many different medications on the market, so it is important to know which ones are the most effective and inexpensive.

1. Cetrin is an antihistamine drug that blocks the production of histamine. Cetrine is contraindicated in pregnancy. Side effects may include drowsiness and dizziness.

2. Erius is another antihistamine drug that also blocks histamine. Contraindications are similar to Cetrine. Side effects may include dry mouth and fatigue.

3. Salbutamol is a bronchodilator that dilates the bronchi. Contraindicated in severe tachycardia. Side effects may include palpitations and anxiety.

4. Pulmicort is a corticosteroid and reduces inflammation in the airways. Not recommended for fungal throat infections. Side effects include coughing and throat irritation.

5. Budesonide is a corticosteroid that also reduces inflammation in the airways. Contraindications are similar to Pulmicort. Side effects include runny nose and headache.

Practical tips for using medications for allergic cough

  • Follow the recommended dosage and monitor your body's reaction. Consult your doctor before using the medicine.
  • Sometimes medicines can be effective together, but this should be discussed with your doctor.
  • In addition to medications, alternative therapies such as allergen-specific immunotherapy are possible.

The choice of medications to treat allergic cough in adults and children should be based on the individual characteristics of the body and the doctor's recommendations. Cetrin, Erius, Salbutamol, Pulmicort, and Budesonide are the best and inexpensive new generation allergy cough medications for adults on the top list. However, you should always consider possible contraindications and side effects. Don't forget to also consider alternative treatments in collaboration with your doctor.


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