Allergies to detergents: everything you need to know

laundry detergent allergy
Viktor Levchenko
Author allergist
Viktor Levchenko
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Allergies to laundry detergent are a fairly common problem among both adults and children, including infants and toddlers. I will tell you about the causes of allergies, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of laundry detergent allergies, and how to treat allergies in infants and adults.

Causes of allergies

The main causes of allergies to laundry detergent are the various chemical components that make up the detergent. In some people, the immune system perceives these substances as harmful, which leads to the development of an allergic reaction. The likelihood of allergies can increase if a person has a genetic predisposition to allergies or suffers from other allergic conditions such as atopic dermatitis or asthma.

Symptoms of allergies to laundry detergent

Laundry detergent allergy symptoms

A laundry detergent allergy shows a variety of symptoms, which can be mild to severe. Among the most common symptoms of laundry detergent allergy are:

  • Skin manifestations: redness, itching, rashes, inflammation and swelling;
  • Respiratory symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing;
  • Eye symptoms: itching, lacrimation, red eyes.

You have to be especially careful with powder allergy in a child, as children may have more severe symptoms and may experience serious discomfort.

Diagnosing laundry detergent allergies

To accurately diagnose a laundry detergent allergy, you need to see an allergist. The doctor will review your medical history, clarify your symptoms and prescribe special tests, such as skin tests or blood tests for antibodies to certain allergens. These tests will determine if it is the laundry detergent or other substances that are causing the allergy.

What ingredients in laundry detergent cause allergies?

Laundry detergents contain various chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction. Among them:

  • The smell of the powder may be very appealing to customers, but it is the fragrances and preservatives that often cause allergies to laundry detergent.
  • Phosphates and sulfates are used in laundry detergents to improve wash quality and remove stains. However, these substances can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Optical bleaches give laundry a brighter, whiter look, while enzymes help remove tough stains. But these ingredients can also be allergenic to sensitive people.

Laundry detergent alternatives for allergy sufferers

Laundry detergent alternatives for allergy sufferers

If you or your child is allergic to laundry detergent, safe laundry alternatives are available.

1. Hypoallergenic powders contain no fragrances, dyes or other harsh chemicals. Laundry detergents such as Eeyore Nanny are great for allergy sufferers, children and newborns.

2. Eco-friendly detergents are also a good choice for allergy sufferers, as they contain minimal chemicals and are made from natural ingredients. Such laundry detergents are usually labeled with special eco-certifications.

3. Laundry conditioners without fragrances and dyes can help soften fabrics after washing and make them less irritating to the skin. However, you should make sure that the conditioner is suitable for sensitive skin and does not cause allergies.

4. Safe additives such as oxygen bleach or baking soda can be used to enhance the washing effect. They will help improve the quality of washing without the use of harsh chemicals.

Laundry detergent allergy prevention

To prevent allergies to laundry detergent, you need to take a number of steps:

  • Choose hypoallergenic or eco-friendly laundry detergents, especially if you or your child is prone to allergies.
  • Follow the washing instructions on the detergent package and do not exceed the recommended amount of detergent.
  • Clean your washing machine regularly to prevent allergens from building up inside the machine.

Laundry detergent allergies can cause a lot of discomfort for adults as well as children, including newborns and babies. Knowing the main causes, symptoms and methods of diagnosing laundry detergent allergies will help you see an allergist in a timely manner and get the help you need. Use safe alternatives to laundry detergents, such as hypoallergenic or eco-friendly laundry detergents, as well as follow the laundry rules and clean the washing machine regularly. This way, you can avoid developing allergies to laundry detergent and ensure comfort and health for yourself and your loved ones.

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