Treatment of contact dermatitis in children: effective methods

contact dermatitis in a child
Eva Zakharova
Author allergist
Eva Zakharova
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What is contact dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that is caused by exposure to certain irritants or allergens. This type of dermatitis often occurs in children, including infants and toddlers.

Types of contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis comes in two types: allergic contact dermatitis and irritative contact dermatitis.

  1. Allergic contact dermatitis develops when the skin reacts to a substance to which it has a sensitivity. This can include a number of substances, such as certain types of soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, or even certain types of fabric.
  2. Irritative contact dermatitis is the most common type of contact dermatitis. It occurs when the skin comes in contact with a substance that causes it to be damaged. It can be any substance that irritates the skin, including soap, cleaning products, or even water.

Causes of contact dermatitis in children

  • External factors that cause contact dermatitis in children include contact with harsh chemicals such as baby soaps, shampoos, cleaning products, and a number of plants such as poison ivy or nettles.
  • Internal factors may include heredity, allergies, and comorbidities such as atopic dermatitis or asthma.

Symptoms of contact dermatitis in children

Symptoms of contact dermatitis in children may include redness, itching, inflammation, and flaking of the skin. In some cases, small blisters filled with fluid may form. They can occur on any part of the body, but contact dermatitis in children is especially common on the face and hands.

Diagnosis of contact dermatitis in children

Diagnosis of contact dermatitis in children

Diagnosis of contact dermatitis in children includes a detailed questioning of the parents about possible contact with irritants and allergens, visual examination of the child's skin, and, in some cases, skin tests. A consultation with an allergist may also be necessary.

Treatment of contact dermatitis in a child

Medication treatment of contact dermatitis in a child may include the use of ointments and creams with glucocorticoids, such as Hydrocortisone or Elocom, which help reduce inflammation and itching. In the case of a bacterial infection, the doctor may also prescribe antibiotics.

Nonmedicamental treatment includes excluding contact with the irritant or allergen. The use of hypoallergenic skin care products and clothing made from natural materials is also recommended.

Prevention of contact dermatitis in a child

Preventing contact dermatitis in a child includes avoiding contact with possible irritants and allergens, keeping the skin in good condition with hypoallergenic skin care products and regular visits to the pediatrician and allergist.

In conclusion, contact dermatitis in children is a common condition that can cause a lot of anxiety for both the child and his parents. However, with proper diagnosis, adequate treatment, and prevention, the symptoms can be successfully controlled. Avoiding contact with known irritants or allergens is key.

Parents should be aware of the potential causes of contact dermatitis and watch for possible signs in their child. If you suspect that your child has contact dermatitis, be sure to see a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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