Choosing allergy pills: top 7 drugs

allergy pills
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
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Types of allergy pills

When it comes to treating allergies, it's important to understand the options available. Allergy pills fall into several categories.


The first line of defense is antihistamine allergy pills. They block histamine, the substance that causes allergic reactions. Among the new generation, Cetirizine, Fexofenadine, and Desloratadine are popular. These skin and facial allergy pills are especially effective against itching and skin rashes.

Hormonal pills

In cases where antihistamines are not effective enough, doctors may recommend hormonal pills such as Prednisolone. They strongly affect the immune system and are used for severe allergic reactions such as edema or anaphylactic shock.

Combination drugs

Combined allergy pills contain several active ingredients, which makes them powerful and fast-acting. An example is Sinekod, which combines antihistamine and anti-inflammatory action.

Combination pills are chosen when a comprehensive approach to treatment is needed, especially for seasonal allergies such as pollinosis.

Top 7 allergy pills

top allergy pills


1. "Cetirizine - review, features

"Cetirizine" is one of the strongest and most inexpensive means of the new generation. Effective against seasonal allergies, allergies to dust and pollen.

2. "Fexofenadine" - review, features

"Fexofenadine" - features high safety and minimal side effects. Ideal for adults to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis.

3. "Desloratadine" - review, features

"Desloratadine" is an effective drug against itching and rash on the skin. It is considered one of the best in the treatment of chronic allergies.

4. "Prednisolone - review, features

"Prednisolone is a hormonal drug for the treatment of severe cases of allergies. The dosage must be strictly observed.

5. "Sinekod" - review, features

"Sinekod" is a combination drug that quickly relieves the symptoms of allergies. It is especially recommended for pollinosis.

6. "Erius" - budget and effective option

If you are looking for cheap and effective pills for allergies, "Erius" will be an excellent choice. It is effective in food allergies, dust allergies, and helps with skin rashes and itching on the hands.

7. "Telfast" - an express help for allergies

"Telfast" is a fast-acting drug that is especially useful in the emergency need to eliminate the symptoms of allergies. It is included in the rating of the strongest and most effective pills.

How to take pills from allergies

how to take allergy pills

  • Observe the dosage.
  • Do not stop taking it suddenly.
  • Consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Common mistakes when taking anti-allergy pills

  • Self-treatment and the use of powerful drugs without consulting a doctor.
  • Failure to comply with the regimen of admission.
  • Combination of incompatible drugs.

How long can I take anti-allergy pills?

The duration of taking anti-allergy pills depends on the type of drug and the nature of the allergy. Some medications, such as Cetirizine, can be taken for long periods of time, while hormonal pills, such as Prednisolone, are intended for short-term use.

There are many factors to consider when choosing allergy pills, including the type of allergy, symptoms, and individual tolerance of the medication. The arsenal of modern medicine includes a wide list of anti-allergy pills, including the new generation, which are effective, safe and affordable. It is important to remember the need for consultation with your doctor and a responsible approach to treatment. Following these principles will allow you to find the best treatment for your allergies and ensure your quality of life.

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