Top facial allergy ointments: how to choose the right product?

ointment for facial allergies
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
Article Content

Allergic reactions to facial skin are a frequent problem among adults. Itching, redness, swelling - these symptoms can cause not only discomfort, but also psychological discomfort. The key here is the right choice of facial allergy ointment.

How the ointment helps with facial allergies

Ointment for allergies on the face has a specific action, thanks to which it is possible to cope with an allergic rash, eliminate itching and redness. The effective drug helps to instantly alleviate the condition, reduce inflammation and swelling.

Key criteria for choosing an ointment

When choosing an ointment for allergies on the face, the following factors should be taken into account: the type of skin, the degree of allergic reaction, the presence of concomitant diseases, age and individual tolerance of the components. There are a number of effective ointments available as expensive and cheap options.

Effective ointments for facial allergies

Top ointments for allergies on the face

Among the many remedies for allergies, ointments with different actions stand out in particular.

Antihistamine ointments

These ointments have a quick and immediate action, blocking the production of histamine, which causes the allergic reaction.

Fenistil is an effective and cheap ointment that works great against itching and swelling caused by allergies.

Psilo Balm is an antihistamine ointment that quickly relieves swelling and itching.

An anti-inflammatory ointment

These ointments help reduce inflammation caused by allergies on the face.

Elocom is an effective ointment for inflammation that is good for use on the face.

Advantan is another anti-inflammatory ointment that helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of allergies.

Moisturizing ointments

Such ointments help eliminate the dryness and flaking that often accompany allergies.

La Roche Pose ointment moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and promotes skin regeneration.

Bepanthen has a moisturizing effect, making the skin smoother and healthier.

The use of allergy ointments on the face: recommendations

  • Your face should be cleansed before applying the ointment. After that, a small amount of ointment is applied to the affected area.
  • The ointment for allergies on the face is usually applied 1-2 times a day, but the mode of application may vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and the individual characteristics of the body.

Cautions and side effects

Like any medicine, ointments can cause side effects. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using them.

In conclusion, we want to emphasize the importance of choosing the right facial allergy ointment. This will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with allergic manifestations, return your skin to a healthy appearance and improve your quality of life.

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