Rating of creams to combat allergies on the skin of the hands

hand allergy creams
Irina Makarova
Author allergist
Irina Makarova
Article Content

How to choose a hand allergy cream

Everyone has experienced allergies at least once in their life, especially when it comes to the skin of the hands. Choosing a hand allergy cream can be a daunting task, as there are many products with different properties. In this article, I, an experienced allergist, will share my recommendations to help you choose the most appropriate cream to treat allergies on the skin of your hands in adults.

Cream Composition

  • When choosing a cream, pay attention to the presence of antihistamine components. They help reduce itching and inflammation caused by allergies. An example of such a component would be dimethinden.
  • Hand skin often suffers from dryness, especially with allergies. Moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin and aloe vera can help moisturize the skin and promote healing.
  • Your hand skin needs nutrients to repair itself. Vitamins A and E as well as omega-3 fatty acids are good for the skin and help strengthen its defensive functions.
  • The choice of texture and formulation is also important. If you have dry skin, choose thicker creams or allergy ointments for your hands. For normal skin, a light cream will do.

Top 5 Hand Allergy Creams

top hand allergy creams

Phenystil is a gel that contains the antihistamine component dimethindene. It quickly relieves itching, reduces swelling and redness. It is suitable for treating allergic rashes and itching.

Lokoid Cream contains the hormone hydrocortisone, which effectively deals with inflammation. It also contains moisturizing components. It is ideal for dry hand skin.

Bepanthen is a popular cream that contains dexapanthenol, which promotes skin healing. It also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it a great choice for treating hand allergies.

Eladele is a cream suitable for long-term use. It does not contain hormones, but it effectively fights inflammation thanks to the component pimecrolimus.

Aven Trixera is a moisturizing cream containing Aven thermal water. It reduces irritation, itching and inflammation and is ideal for sensitive skin.

When you suffer from allergies on your hand skin, the question becomes, "What to smear?" The cause of itching can be different allergens, so it is important to choose the right hand allergy cream that will help eliminate the discomfort. I suggest making a list of effective remedies and discussing it with your doctor to determine the best course of action to treat your allergies.

Remember, choosing the right hand allergy cream or ointment can significantly improve your quality of life, especially if you experience frequent allergic reactions. Taking precautions and using quality hand skin care products can help you avoid irritation and dryness caused by allergies.

To conclude the article, I want to note that when choosing a cream or ointment for hand allergies, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of your skin. In the list of effective remedies presented above, you can find a suitable option for yourself. But before using a cream, I recommend consulting a doctor to avoid possible side effects and ensure the most effective treatment.


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